In the absence of compatibility studies, ULTOMIRIS® 300 mg/30 mL concrete for solution for infusion must not be mixed with ULTOMIRIS® 300 mg/3 mL or 1,100 mg/11 mL concentrates for solution for infusion.1

† SOLIRIS® (eculizumab) is indicated for the treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) in adult patients who are anti-aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody-positive with a relapsing course of the disease.2
‡ ULTOMIRIS® should only be diluted using sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9 %) solution for injection.1
§ Patients must be vaccinated against meningococcal infection 2 weeks prior to initiating treatment, or must be vaccinated at the of initiation of treatment whilst receiving prophylactic treatment with appropriate antibiotics until 2 week after vaccination.1Adverse Event Reporting
Please report any adverse reactions via your national reporting system. Adverse events should also be reported to Alexion pharmaceuticals by the following link: https://contactazmedical.astrazeneca.com

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