Living with gMG

gMG is associated with a wide range of symptoms, so it is important that you always tell your doctor about any symptoms you experience. These may include difficulties with movement, breathing, speaking or
swallowing.1–3 Your doctor and healthcare team is there to help you with any gMG symptoms.
Patients with gMG experience fluctuating muscle weaknessA condition characterised by varying degrees of muscle weakness that can change in intensity over time, often seen in neuromuscular disorders like myasthenia gravis , which often becomes worse with increasing muscle use (for example, physical activity, speaking, etc.).1-3 Symptoms may vary from patient to patient, and even in the same patient symptoms can fluctuate throughout the day – typically getting worse later in the day – and over longer time periods.2
Patients with gMG may often experience a negative impact on their social and psychological well-being as well as their quality of life.1,4 This can limit their ability to perform daily activities, such as work, and may also impact their family members.1,4